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PHP Frameworks
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:22 am
by Josh
What are your opinion on Frameworks? Personally I use one for every decently sized project that I do. My favourites ones at current are Laravel and occasionally a bit of FuelPHP. I used to use CodeIgniter but I got bored of it really easily, it just seems outdated. I've seen Kohana, Symfony etc. but I've never really looked into them.
Re: PHP Frameworks
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:42 pm
by libeco
I'm using CodeIgniter for my work and I love it. It just makes everything just that little bit easier, without adding too much. Had a very quick look at Zend and CakePHP, but never really tried them.
Re: PHP Frameworks
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:34 pm
by Josh
libeco wrote:I'm using CodeIgniter for my work and I love it. It just makes everything just that little bit easier, without adding too much. Had a very quick look at Zend and CakePHP, but never really tried them.
I'm a massive hater of CakePHP, it's too "magic" for me, doesn't feel like your coding.
Re: PHP Frameworks
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:03 pm
by jacek
I generally prefer to do everything myself, people tend not to like it when I say this...
Re: PHP Frameworks
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:45 pm
by Josh
jacek wrote:I generally prefer to do everything myself, people tend not to like it when I say this...
I can completely understand what you mean! I used to prefer that aswell, and still do sometimes, but Frameworks make rapid development a lot faster in a large amount of cases. Each to their own eh!