This is my first PHP script that I created on my own without the aid of tutorials, so please do not be too harsh with the feedback.

This script allows you to count either characters or words depending on which one you select from the drop down list. The link contains v2 of the script. In v1, it only counted characters and it didn't save your words in the text area once you clicked submit.
You can modify and share all you want, the only thing I don't ask is that you don't redistribute it as your own.
I also added a nifty little design.

Please inform me if there is anything wrong with my coding. I expect there will be.

I would be extremely grateful if Jacek would offer some feedback.

Thanks a bunch! Download in the attachment below.
PS: I do know that there is an error in the title. I noticed it after I uploaded it. Doesn't really affect the script though.