BT ordered to block links to Newzbin 2 website

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BT ordered to block links to Newzbin 2 website

Post by jacek »

wikipedia wrote:As of June 2011, the Motion Picture Association has applied for an injunction that would force BT - UK's largest ISP - to cut off customers' access to Newzbin. In July 2011, the court ruled that BT must censor access to Newzbin, using Cleanfeed.

Not really sure what to think about this, I'm not very keen on the idea that every website I visit is done so via a proxy server. Saying that it is almost trivial to bypass any blocked site as you can just use https:// in place of http://.

Also, the whole effort of taking the case to court will be made worthless as Newzbin 3 will be up within weeks of it being blocked.

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Re: BT ordered to block links to Newzbin 2 website

Post by unemployment »

What is Newzbin 2? Seems like a site for piracy to me which is pretty fantastic. I've never used it nor do I have any knowledge of it.
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Re: BT ordered to block links to Newzbin 2 website

Post by jacek »

I had never heard of it before I read that article either. It seems to be "google for pirated content".
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