MySQL Security

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MySQL Security

Post by ScTech »

Note: This guide will somewhat teach you the basics of prepared statement queries and how using them with normal queries is not safe. It will also teach you why using mysql_real_escape_string can not fully protect you against SQL Injection. Jacek did a good job explaining the basic query scenario but did not cover it all. I will be using the mysqli_ extension because mysql_ is deprecated.

What is SQL Injection?
SQL Injection, as noted in jacek's security video, is a way an attacker can gain unauthorized use of your database by manipulating your query through unfiltered data. I'm not going to give an example as that can be considered internet terrorism even if I say it is to educate. There are a few sites that have been granted approval by the government.

What are Prepared Statements?
Prepared Statements are an intermediate to advanced level way to query your database. Take this example from (Procedural style just in case of confusion):
$link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world");

/* check connection */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
    printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());

$city = "Amersfoort";

/* create a prepared statement */
$stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($link);
if (mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, 'SELECT District FROM City WHERE Name=?')) {

    /* bind parameters for markers */
    mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "s", $city);

    /* execute query */

    /* bind result variables */
    mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $district);

    /* fetch value */

    printf("%s is in district %s\n", $city, $district);

    /* close statement */

/* close connection */
You may be scratching your head at this but it's ok.

mysqli_stmt_init($your_db_connection) - Initializes the statement.

mysqli_stmt_prepare($your_query) - Sends the query to the server BEFORE the variables. Variables you normally would put in your WHERE clause you replace with a question mark, ?

mysqli_stmt_bind_param($your_initialized_stmt, "s,b,d, or i - Refer to description", $vars) - In the second parameter you will tell the statement which field contains what. So if you had a string "test" and an int of 5, you would enter "si". Full list of types below. For the third, fourth, and so on parameters until you run out, you will enter the variables that correspond to the question marks in your query. The number of letters in parameter 2, and the number of vars, along with the amount of question marks in your query MUST match.

s - Indicates string
d - Indicates double
b - Indicates boolean
i - Indicates int

The rest are pretty self explanatory. If you need descriptions, let me know and I will edit.

Now, after those descriptions, you may ask "Why do i care?" - Because prepared statements make SQL Injection through themselves impossible (vulnerability has yet to be discovered).

What happens in a prepared statement is that the query is sent in 2 parts. The first part sends the actual query to the database. The second part then sends the variables. So if a user were to enter (Insert SQL Injection here (not me)) then it would be in the database as (SQL Injection) but have no effect on the database. In very simple words, you can send parameters straight through the query from say $_POST['username'].

Why not to use only Prepared Statements
Unfortunately, yes, there are a few downsides to this method. The most notable and the only I will cover here being performance.

Because statements are sent in 2 parts, the server will be affected as though you ran 2 queries. That may not seem like much, but hopefully you're not running your site on one giant query :) You may now be asking "Why not just manually escape then?" - Because although this is like running 2 queries, the queries are cached after running. So, if you call your statement again later in your script, such as a foreach loop, your query will generally use less memory than it would use foreach'ing normal queries.

2nd Order SQL Injection
As far as I know, no one on this site has mentioned 2nd order SQL injection. Of course, search hasn't worked for months. So, with that being said, I will try to take this slow and provide good examples.

2nd order SQL Injection involves using data already inside your database in another query. This would not (hopefully) be a case that you would do, but say Bob was updating his profile. Bob didn't want to update his name so you just inserted his name that was already in the database like so:

// Note that these are normal queries because we don't want to affect performance

$result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT `stuff` FROM `profiles` WHERE `firstname` = 'Bob'");

$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);

$edit_stuff = mysqli_query($connection, "UPDATE `profiles` SET `stuff` = '{$row['stuff']}");

echo "Woot!";

Say the data under Bob's last name was added using a prepared statement and Bob entered (SQL injection here). When Bob changed his profile, the data in the database was not escaped, and now runs as the SQL Injection intention. The next morning you wake up to see your database deleted.

Prepared Statements Conclusion
The last thing I have to say on the subject is to never trust data inside your database either. While you may have only insert permissions with one SQL connection, if a visitor found and exploited an SQL Injection vulnerability but could only insert, say an admin would generally have all permissions. When that admin went to do something and it tied in with that SQL Injection vulnerability, it would be run.

Why mysql_real_escape_string() does NOT 100% secure
While the majority of the internet lives under the assumption that their site is "uncrackable", SQL Injection is a complex thing. Here is an example where SQL Injection could occur.

// Say you're getting the info of the page via a get variable

// YOU assume get id only contains an int like 1
$id = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_GET['id']);

// Note the non use of apostrophes around the var
$result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT `stuff` from `pages` WHERE `id` = $id");

Now, this is going to be hard without using an example, but NOT all SQL Injection requires the use of an apostrophe. Since you didn't use apostrophes around your vars, a user can directly access your query without being escaped by mysql_real_escape_string();

Integer based SQL Injection
This sort of ties in with jacek's example in his video ('user OR '1' = '1) but it does not require use of an apostrophe!

Here is the query we will be working with:
$query = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `id` = {$id}");
Once again, note the use of no apostrophes around the var. Now, say $id is retrieved from the URL or a form (anywhere a user can edit it) and is, as usual, filtered through mysql_real_escape_string();. Since this is completely integer based, and there are no apostrophes around your var, a user can manipulate the query so that instead of returning for that id alone, it returns everything. This is where it ties in with jacek's example. Except, you remove the apostrophes. The query now returns true and returns every row in the table no matter what id you give.

Use the least privileges
So many websites these days have one mistake in common. That mistake is using one user connection for an entire website. If you're doing what most beginners do and are using a single database user with all privileges STOP. So many sites these days fall victim to SQL Injection and are completely defaced because of allowing DELETE, DROP, UPDATE, etc. where you only need SELECT. You should be using the bare minimum privileges. For example, a login should select the count of users where username and (hashed and salted) password are the same. That connection should use a database user with only SELECT command privileges. **Tips:
1. Any query using a WHERE clause will need SELECT command privileges.
2. Close connections after use of the needed privilege when using more than one connection in a script. It's true that connections auto close at the end of the script, but when using multiple connections in one script...well it's pretty self explanatory. Conserve resources :)

Hope you learned something. :) There are so many more forms of SQL Injection and I will updating accordingly once I have time to.
Last edited by ScTech on Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:45 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: MySQL Security

Post by Temor »

Very nice tutorial! I appreciate you taking the time to write this.
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Re: MySQL Security

Post by ScTech »

Thanks temor. Updated with an example of integer injection. My brain was slow yesterday.
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Re: MySQL Security

Post by ScTech »

Also, never EVER display SQL errors while users have access to your site. If for some crazy reason you disregard that advice, be sure to htmlentities(); your query if you display that as well (Why would one ever...?). Most importantly, check support messages several times a day. Reported a vulnerability to ***** and it still exists. They echo the error and their query unfiltered so they beg for SQL Injection, and XSS can occur.
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Re: MySQL Security

Post by Temor »

ScTech wrote:Also, never EVER display SQL errors while users have access to your site. If for some crazy reason you disregard that advice, be sure to htmlentities(); your query if you display that as well (Why would one ever...?). Most importantly, check support messages several times a day. Reported a vulnerability to ***** and it still exists. They echo the error and their query unfiltered so they beg for SQL Injection, and XSS can occur.
Yes, good advice...
Checking your support messages every day is a given. Multiple times a day is best.
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Re: MySQL Security

Post by ScTech »

Temor wrote:Checking your support messages every day is a given. Multiple times a day is best.
YES! Even if you're on a host that limits the number of emails being sent, there is no excuse. You can make your contact form insert the information into the database instead of mailing and read it through the backend. Also updated with privileges
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Re: MySQL Security

Post by Alysha50 »

Hello, I used same code to improve MySQL Security for my site called idaho falls web design but after few days my password was hacked!! Please check the code and tell me if I made anything wrong.

The code is here :
    $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world");
    /* check connection */
    if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
        printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
    $city = "Amersfoort";
    /* create a prepared statement */
    $stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($link);
    if (mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, 'SELECT District FROM City WHERE Name=?')) {
        /* bind parameters for markers */
        mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "s", $city);
        /* execute query */
        /* bind result variables */
        mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $district);
        /* fetch value */
        printf("%s is in district s\n", $city, $district);
        /* close statement */
    /* close connection */
Last edited by Alysha50 on Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MySQL Security

Post by ScTech »

The code you posted is just using's example. How do you process your login? Just one query that is vulnerable can search your entire database (depending on user permissions) however, so it may take time to spot your vulnerability. General precautions to take include:
1. Salt and hash all passwords. Never insert them as plain text.
2. Any user with admin permission (should be any) should be sure to have 10+ characters including letters numbers and symbols to further protect against brute force.
3. Always use mysql(i)_real_escape_string on anything editable by the user. This includes hidden fields, dropdowns, and URL variables. As further protection, no matter how more convenient, always use apostrophes around variables in your queries (assuming non prepared)
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Re: MySQL Security

Post by killfrog47 »

Very nice! Very informative and I learned something! =)
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