im working next to school on a little 'CMS' (just for fun). It's pretty simple, just a site-selection, the textarea to edit and a save button. It actually works fine, I can see all my content and also can edit it an save it, but when I hit the save-button (in german: speichern) it all get's save at the index.php.
For example: I'm at site 'geschichte.php' with the content 'abc' and I edit the content to 'abcdef' it's get saved in index.php.
(As always, I'm having a hard time to explain )
Here is my script:
<html> <form method="post" action=""> <select name="seitenauswahl" size="1"> <option value="blabla/index.php">Index</option> <option value="blabla/geschichte.php">Geschichte</option> </select> <input name="enter" type="submit" value="Auswählen"/> </form> <hr /> <!-- Quelltext-Editor (Script)--> <?php $Seite = $_POST["seitenauswahl"]; /* preeeeetty messy part :'D */ $edit = $Seite; if (empty($edit)) { $edit ="blabla/index.php"; $Seite = $edit; /* preeeeetty messy part :'D */ } if(isset($_POST["dateiinhalt"]) && $dateiinhalt = $_POST["dateiinhalt"]) { $handle = fopen($edit,"w"); fwrite($handle,$dateiinhalt); fclose($handle); echo '<p style="color:green;margin-bottom:20px;">'."\n"; echo 'Datei erfolgreich editiert!'."\n"; echo '</p>'."\n"; } $fileinhalt = file_get_contents($edit); ?> <!-- Quelltext-Editor (Eingabefeld)--> <form action="" method="post"> Quelltext von der Datei im Pfad "<?php echo "$Seite"; ?>" bearbeiten:<br><br> <!-- Currently editing file.... if you don't understand it :') --> <textarea style="width:1500px;height:300px;" name="dateiinhalt"> <?php echo $fileinhalt; ?> </textarea><br><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Speichern"> </form> </html>I somehow need to write, when I hit save (=Speichern) that it should save the content on the current file (which I'm editing) and not at index.php.
Aww man it's soo easy and I don't get it :@
Anyways, I hope someone can help me!