So the idea is that each user will be assigned a thing to make, well you will volunteer, but we need to assign tasks to make sure there are no duplicates.
The layout will be the same as the one I use which is a load of files that to certain things in a folder, and you just copy the ones that you need into your project folder.
My first contribution is this...
<?php /* * * This file loads all file in the same folder as it. * */ $files = glob(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.inc.php'); foreach ($files as $file){ include($file); } ?>Which is a lazy way of including all of the .inc.php files in the same folder as it. this would be "load_all.php" from the library folder.
So now we just need ideas of what the components of the library should do, comments ? I'll add a plan or something as we discuss

Who Will Do What ?
- MySQL class - Tino
- Something to deal with efficiently sending mass email - jacek
- String functions - jacek
- HTTP functions - jacek
- File functions - jacek
- User Account System - bowersbros
- Data Validation Helper - bowersbros
- ?? ... all/master