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I just...

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:14 am
by EcazS
I just spent three hours trying to fix a form issue.
Basically I have two forms, one to create a static page and one to create a dynamic page; I create the dynamic page form first and then simply copied the code and made the static page form but when I submitted the static form I didn't get any errors in case I left some fields out (I did get errors on the dynamic form).

So I spent three consecutive hours trying to figure out what the problem was, everything had been renamed properly and the code was exactly identical except for certain form-names. It turns out this was the problem;
Static form, the one that WAS NOT working
<form action="pages.php" method="post" id="c_form">
a bunch of fields
Dynamic form, the one that WAS working
<form action="#" method="post" id="c_form">
a bunch of fields

I am so fucking angry right now......

Re: I just...

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:41 am
by Temor
the difference I can spot is pages.php instead of #

Was that it? :P

I know the feeling. I struggled with a typo for 45 minutes today.

Re: I just...

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 9:07 am
by EcazS
Yep! That was the issue!

Re: I just...

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:54 pm
by Temor
Haha. Ouch! :)

Re: I just...

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:17 pm
by jacek
I spend three hours on this code yesterday

Here is the wrong one
[syntax=text]pro plot_solar_wind

openr, file, 'files/solar_wind.dat', /get_lun

header = ''

for i = 0, 60 do readf, file, header

month_hours = fltarr(31 * 24)
Vsw = fltarr(31 * 24)
Nsw = fltarr(31 * 24)
Psw = fltarr(31 * 24)
Rmp = fltarr(31 * 24)

day = 0
hour = 0
Vsw_in = 0.0
Nsq_in = 0.0
pts = 0

while not eof(file) do begin

readf, file, day, hour, Nsw_in, Vsw_in, format = '(i2, 9x, i2, 10x, d14.5, d14.3)'

month_hours[pts] = (day - 1) * 24 + hour

Vsw[pts] = Vsw_in
Nsw[pts] = Nsw_in

; print, Vsw_in

pts += 1


free_lun, file

openw, file, 'files/some_kind_of_data.dat', /get_lun

for i = 0, pts - 1 do begin

if Vsw[i] le 0 then Vsw[i] = !Values.F_NaN
if Nsw[i] le 0 then Nsw[i] = !Values.F_NaN

if Vsw[i] gt 0 and Nsw[i] gt 0 then begin

Vsw[i] *= 1E+3
Nsw[i] *= 1E-6

; print, Vsw[i], Nsw[i]

Psw[i] = (1.67262E-27 * Nsw[i]) * (Vsw[i] ^ 2)

Rmp[i] = ((31000E-9)^2 / (1.2566E-6 * Psw[i]))^(1 / 6.0)

print, Vsw[i], Nsw[i], Psw[i], Rmp[i]

if Rmp[i] gt 6.6 then begin

printf, file, i, Vsw[i], Rmp[i], ' Magnetosphere'

endif else begin

printf, file, i, Vsw[i], Rmp[i], ' Solar wind'


endif else begin

Psw[i] = !Values.F_NaN
Rmp[i] = !Values.F_NaN

printf, file, i, Vsw[i], Rmp[i], ' No data'



free_lun, file

window, 1
plot, Vsw, ytitle = 'Speed (m/s)', min = 0

window, 2
plot, Nsw, ytitle = 'Density (#/m^3)', min = 0

window, 3
plot, Psw, ytitle = 'Pressure (#/m^3)', min = 0


And here is the right one
[syntax=text]pro plot_solar_wind

openr, file, 'files/solar_wind.dat', /get_lun

header = ''

for i = 0, 60 do readf, file, header

month_hours = fltarr(31 * 24)
Vsw = fltarr(31 * 24)
Nsw = fltarr(31 * 24)
Psw = fltarr(31 * 24)
Rmp = fltarr(31 * 24)

day = 0
hour = 0
Vsw_in = 0.0
Nsq_in = 0.0
pts = 0

while not eof(file) do begin

readf, file, day, hour, Nsw_in, Vsw_in, format = '(i2, 9x, i2, 10x, d14.5, d14.3)'

month_hours[pts] = (day - 1) * 24 + hour

Vsw[pts] = Vsw_in
Nsw[pts] = Nsw_in

; print, Vsw_in

pts += 1


free_lun, file

openw, file, 'files/some_kind_of_data.dat', /get_lun

for i = 0, pts - 1 do begin

if Vsw[i] le 0 then Vsw[i] = !Values.F_NaN
if Nsw[i] le 0 then Nsw[i] = !Values.F_NaN

if Vsw[i] gt 0 and Nsw[i] gt 0 then begin

Vsw[i] *= 1E+3
Nsw[i] *= 1E+6

; print, Vsw[i], Nsw[i]

Psw[i] = (1.67262E-27 * Nsw[i]) * (Vsw[i] ^ 2)

Rmp[i] = ((31000E-9)^2 / (1.2566E-6 * Psw[i]))^(1 / 6.0)

print, Vsw[i], Nsw[i], Psw[i], Rmp[i]

if Rmp[i] gt 6.6 then begin

printf, file, i, Vsw[i], Rmp[i], ' Magnetosphere'

endif else begin

printf, file, i, Vsw[i], Rmp[i], ' Solar wind'


endif else begin

Psw[i] = !Values.F_NaN
Rmp[i] = !Values.F_NaN

printf, file, i, Vsw[i], Rmp[i], ' No data'



free_lun, file

window, 1
plot, Vsw, ytitle = 'Speed (m/s)', min = 0

window, 2
plot, Nsw, ytitle = 'Density (#/m^3)', min = 0

window, 3
plot, Psw, ytitle = 'Pressure (#/m^3)', min = 0


Who see the difference without cheating ;)

Re: I just...

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:11 pm
by bowersbros
Okay, i havent got a clue, hint? ;D

Re: I just...

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:38 pm
by Temor
I spotted it!

line 48[/syntax]

Re: I just...

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:04 pm
by jacek
Temor wrote:I spotted it!

It took me at least 2 hours to see that !

I almost cried :lol:

Re: I just...

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:52 pm
by Temor
jacek wrote:
Temor wrote:I spotted it!

It took me at least 2 hours to see that !

I almost cried :lol:

I can relate to the feeling. I spent a total of 4 hours debugging today. I wanted to punch something afterwards.

Re: I just...

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:55 pm
by EcazS
I wish I could...not debug stuff... Just leave it and it would magically work, or at least not spend several hours on it :lol:

Re: I just...

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 2:54 am
by jacek
Ooo I have another good one

This one is wrong
[syntax=text]function fill_gaps, in

total = n_elements(in)

i = -1

while i lt total - 1 do begin


if finite(in[i]) eq 0 then begin

gap_start = (i gt 0) ? i - 1 : 0

for c = gap_start + 1, total - 1 do begin

if finite(in[c]) eq 1 then begin

gap_end = c

diff = abs(gap_start - gap_end) + 1

in[gap_start : gap_end] = in[gap_start] + (in[gap_end] - in[gap_start]) * findgen(diff) / (diff - 1)

i = c






return, in


And here is the correction

[syntax=text]function fill_gaps, in

total = n_elements(in)

i = -1D

while i lt total - 1 do begin


if finite(in[i]) eq 0 then begin

gap_start = (i gt 0) ? i - 1 : 0

for c = gap_start + 1, total - 1 do begin

if finite(in[c]) eq 1 then begin

gap_end = c

diff = abs(gap_start - gap_end) + 1

in[gap_start : gap_end] = in[gap_start] + (in[gap_end] - in[gap_start]) * findgen(diff) / (diff - 1)

i = c






return, in


anyone guess how long that took ?!

Re: I just...

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:21 pm
by Temor
I found it! line 5 :)

It took me around 10 seconds to spot it, but if it was me who wrote it it would probably take an hour and a half, so that's my guess :)