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Which should I learn?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:18 am
by JelvinJS7
I finally installed Xcode—and eclipse. So now I can learn more programming languages. Teehee! :-) I'm evolving from web development. I hope to install gestures on my iPod without jailbreaking–if possible.
On my bucket list for languages are Java, C, C++, Objective C, and maybe/eventually Python and C#.
I'm curious to know which you guys think I should learn first. Based off ease of learning, and knowledge I've obtained from php/JS (my friend once showed me a C snippet of code, and I knew what it was based off its similarity to php).

So… thoughts? What's recommended?

Re: Which should I learn?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:11 am
by bowersbros
Well, to what I understand it. PHP sort of gets compiled into C code anyway. Because you can write permanent functions in C which makes it more efficient. But dont quote me on that.

If your aiming for Objective-C. I'd probably start off with C, since Objective-C is an object orientated version of it pretty much. Obviously, with lots of APIs and such also.

I'd personally go for either Java or C++, but thats me.

What i did go with was Java, then Obj-C.

Re: Which should I learn?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:49 pm
by jacek
I think Python would be easiest as it's a scripting language and based on XKCD it has a reputation for being easy.

It terms of where to go from PHP, Java and C both have very similar syntax.