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Long/Annoying PHP functions to shorten

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:11 am
by JelvinJS7
I program a fair bit on my iPod. So as you can probably guess, typing some php functions can be a real pain.
Well with the advent of iOS 5, I can use keyboard shortcuts to type the long and annoying functions faster, so I can say "mres" and it auto-corrects to "mysql_real_escape_string(".
I also have "htmlentities(" from "hme".

Well I have been doing little programming recently (blame parental controls/logs xD), so I'm having a minor brainfart. Plus I wanted to share my (*cough* genius) idea with everyone ;)
So are there any other common, lengthy, and annoying functions that I should set a shortcut for?
Not a major problem, but I like to make this easier for me. I'm a very lazy person domeyimes (I like to say "I'm a programer. It's in my blood to be lazy.")
So....yeah any recommendations?

Re: Long/Annoying PHP functions to shorten

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:48 pm
by jacek
mysql_real_escape_string is the only one that bothers me really, htmlentities because I type it wrong every single time ;)

Re: Long/Annoying PHP functions to shorten

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:54 pm
by EcazS
jacek wrote: htmlentities because I type it wrong every single time ;)

I think we're all aware of that :lol:
Just kidding ;)