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Blog Tutorial + Pagination -some problems..

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:23 pm
by Jaami
hello again,
i need some help from you. i would probably solve it on my own..sometime. but, i am frustrated a little bit atm. and maybe you can save me some time and tears.. :roll: ;)

so i managed to combine these two tutorials, where both using the same db-table and they are even showing up on the same page/s. but i cant get them both interact between each other correctly.

$page = (isset($_GET['page'])) ? (int)$_GET['page'] : 1;


$posts = get_posts();

foreach(fetch_titles($page, 5) as $post){


foreach($posts as $post){
                <div id="titel">
                <a class="titeltxt" href="blog_read.php?pid=<?php echo $post['id']; ?>"><?php echo $post['title']; ?></a>

                <h6>By <?php echo $post['user']; ?> on <?php echo $post['date']; ?></h6>
                <div id="news">
                <br />
                <!-- Video Player HERE -->


                            $videoplayer = $post['videoplayer'];
                                if($videoplayer == '1'){


                <!-- Video Player END -->

                <p><h4><?php echo $post['preview']; ?></p>
                <h5>(<a href="blog_read.php?pid=<?php echo $post['id']; ?>"><?php echo $post['total_comments']; ?> comments, last comment <?php echo $post['last_comment'];  ?></a>)</h5>




    $total_pages = ceil(fetch_total_titles() / 5);

    for ($i = 1; $i <= $total_pages; ++$i){
        echo " <a href=\"?page={$i}\">{$i}</a> ";

<br />

<!-- Prev/Next -->
        if($page >= 2){
        echo '<a href="?page=', ($page + -1), '">Previous   </a>';

        if($page <= 1 AND $page != $total_pages){
        echo '<a href="?page=', ($page + 1), '">      Next</a>';
the code is just pasted from "blog_list.php" -thats where my problem is..

mysql_connect('', 'example_user', 'test');
or die("Fehler im System");



    // fetches a list of posts from the database.
function fetch_titles($page, $per_page){
    $start    = (int)($page - 1) * $per_page;
    $per_page = (int)$per_page;

    $query = mysql_query("SELECT `post_title` FROM `posts` LIMIT {$start}, {$per_page}");

    while (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) !== false){
        $posts[] = $row['post_title'];

    return $posts;

function fetch_total_titles(){
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(`post_id`) FROM `posts`");

    return mysql_result($result, 0);

    //checks if the given post id is in the table.
    function valid_pid($pid){
        $pid = (int)$pid;

Re: Blog Tutorial + Pagination -some problems..

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:47 pm
by jacek
If you take out all of the html bits you have this
$posts = get_posts();

foreach (fetch_titles($page, 5) as $post){
     // nothing
foreach ($posts as $post){
    // some HTML stuff
So it looks like you are getting all of the posts, and one page of posts. Then completely ignoring the paged result.

It should be just the first bit but not an empty look, it should have the HTML stuff
foreach (fetch_titles($page, 5) as $post){
    // some HTML stuff

Re: Blog Tutorial + Pagination -some problems..

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:03 pm
by Jaami
yeah, i tried that before already, but i get this:
edit: picture deleted by me...

$page = (isset($_GET['page'])) ? (int)$_GET['page'] : 1;


$post = get_posts();

foreach(fetch_titles($page, 5) as $post){
                <div id="titel">
                <a class="titeltxt" href="blog_read.php?pid=<?php echo $post['id']; ?>"><?php echo $post['title']; ?></a>

                <h6>By <?php echo $post['user']; ?> on <?php echo $post['date']; ?></h6>
                <div id="news">
                <br />
                <!-- Video Player HERE -->


                            $videoplayer = $post['videoplayer'];
                                if($videoplayer == '1'){


                <!-- Video Player END -->

                <p><h4><?php echo $post['preview']; ?></p>
                <h5>(<a href="blog_read.php?pid=<?php echo $post['id']; ?>"><?php echo $post['total_comments']; ?> comments, last comment <?php echo $post['last_comment'];  ?></a>)</h5>


    $total_pages = ceil(fetch_total_titles() / 5);

    for ($i = 1; $i <= $total_pages; ++$i){
        echo " <a href=\"?page={$i}\">{$i}</a> ";

<br />

<!-- Prev/Next -->
        if($page >= 2){
        echo '<a href="?page=', ($page + -1), '">Previous   </a>';

        if($page <= 1 AND $page != $total_pages){
        echo '<a href="?page=', ($page + 1), '">      Next</a>';

EDIT: i have an idea, maybe its showing me only one char because of wrong db settings, i check that...

Re: Blog Tutorial + Pagination -some problems..

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:31 am
by louiegiezer
you don't need to put this on your code "$post = get_posts();" kill this part :lol:

Try to do this...
foreach(fetch_titles($page, 5) as $post){
                <div id="titel">
                <a class="titeltxt" href="blog_read.php?pid=<?php echo $post['id']; ?>"><?php echo $post['title']; ?></a>
                <h6>By <?php echo $post['user']; ?> on <?php echo $post['date']; ?></h6>
                <div id="news">
                <!-- Video Player HERE -->
                            $videoplayer = $post['videoplayer'];
                                if($videoplayer == '1'){
                <!-- Video Player END -->
                <p><h4><?php echo $post['preview']; ?></p>
                <h5>(<a href="blog_read.php?pid=<?php echo $post['id']; ?>"><?php echo $post['total_comments']; ?> comments, last comment <?php echo $post['last_comment'];  ?></a>)</h5>
    $total_pages = ceil(fetch_total_titles() / 5);
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $total_pages; ++$i){
        echo " <a href=\"?page={$i}\">{$i}</a> ";

<br />
<!-- Prev/Next -->
        if($page >= 2){
        echo '<a href="?page=', ($page + -1), '">Previous   </a>';
        if($page <= 1 AND $page != $total_pages){
        echo '<a href="?page=', ($page + 1), '">      Next</a>';

Re: Blog Tutorial + Pagination -some problems..

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:06 am
by Jaami
mmh, i forgot to delete that line. and you didnt change much besides that one line?! so i still have the problem as shown in screenshot..

Re: Blog Tutorial + Pagination -some problems..

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:57 pm
by jacek
The array that your fetch_titles function creates is not the same form as the one you are trying to use.

All you have is an array of the post titles on that page, you need all of the information. You should be doing somethign similar to the cod ein the get_posts() function.

Re: Blog Tutorial + Pagination -some problems..

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:14 pm
by Jaami
oh noes..i guess i have to go thru this brain damaging procedure..

Re: Blog Tutorial + Pagination -some problems..

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:13 pm
by Jaami
hah, i did it!! *feels_good_man.jpg* 8-)

it wasn`t actually that bad. just merging the two functions to one..

THANK YOU AGAIN, for your little directive in the right "line"!!

Re: Blog Tutorial + Pagination -some problems..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:46 pm
by jacek
Jaami wrote:hah, i did it!! *feels_good_man.jpg* 8-)

it wasn`t actually that bad. just merging the two functions to one..

THANK YOU AGAIN, for your little directive in the right "line"!!
Good job :D