Page 1 of 1, is it working?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:55 pm
by lakc
Hi guys,

Has any1 tried this

I wrote a simple echo "Hello" in php and clicked run and it opens in a new window but with no output?

Is there anything wrong with it?

I was hoping it would give the instant result, but nothing. :(

You can see for youselves by simply registering and check the validation email in ure spam box as well later on to complete registration.

Any others, who have come across such similar sites offering this service (shld b free as well), please do let me know.


Re:, is it working?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:22 pm
by jacek
Seems to work for me, also seems like an incredibly dumb idea for a site !