Forum software - Store information in a database or file?

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Forum software - Store information in a database or file?

Post by Carbine »

I'm creating some software like phpBB, not hoping to get anywhere with it but I want to have a reason to do php every so often and develop my skills. I know how I would do boths options in the title, but which one would be more sensable. By information, I mean, Forum Name, Max posts per topic, Posts per page and I suppose stuff like Timezone, language ect. I'm not going to be intergrating a language pack with it or anything but it might be useful to me one day.

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Re: Forum software - Store information in a database or file

Post by libeco »

Database, any time!
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Re: Forum software - Store information in a database or file

Post by jacek »

Stuff to do with config could go in a config file that you just include. You may want to have admins be abke to change some things like the posts per page, to easily be able to do that you have to use a database.
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