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jQuery, php, mysql and XML project underway!

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:19 pm
by Torniquet
New tutorial series is underway (mainly in an attempt to create a half decent following lol, but also wanted a reall challenge)

Anyway. Project Station Invasion...

This project is a new tutorialised series. The plan behind this new project is to make a M.U.D style game and to make it flow as freely as possible.

During this project we will be looking at running the user experience side of the engine entirely with jQuery where possible. Together with jQuery, I will be using php and experimenting with XML.


13 videos have been uploaded with more in the recording.

This is a chance to really learn something different and learn how you can grab these languages by the balls and put a real squeeze on them.

The uploaded videos take you through building the registration form, login form and character creation.

You can watch the videos on my youtube channel ... 64981BE18C

or on the project website

Re: jQuery, php, mysql and XML project underway!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:52 am
by Torniquet
28 videos have now been produced.

The lastest videos include building a map maker, and outputting the map onto screen. The later videos cover moving your character about the map, linking maps together and moving between them.

Vidoes can be seen on my youtube channel or at the project site