I'm doing a tutorial series for thenewboston, however I am in need of ideas for features, if possible.
The series is simply put; Facebook.
In more depth, I am basically showing people how to build a social network, almost identical to Facebook basics and so I am in need of any features people would be interested in learning how to make.
- Posts: 534
- Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 8:19 pm
I don't like to brag, but I wasn't circumcised. I was circumnavigated.
Want to learn something new? Or maybe reinforce what you already know? Or just help out? Please subscribe to my videos: http://goo.gl/58pN9
Want to learn something new? Or maybe reinforce what you already know? Or just help out? Please subscribe to my videos: http://goo.gl/58pN9
Re: TheNewBoston
Avatar / Profile picture upload and management.
Wall posts / Profile comments
Friend System
Private messaging
These are the ones currently in my head .
Wall posts / Profile comments
Friend System
Private messaging
These are the ones currently in my head .