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Re: proper way to adjust WxH

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:50 am
by bowersbros
echo "<img src='".$dir."/".$file."' width='200' height='200'><br>";
That should do it.

Re: proper way to adjust WxH

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:54 am
by jacek
uhshosting wrote:and a few others playing around with " and '
The reason you got the syntax error is that you tried to use a quote in the string that you also used to mark the start of the string. PHP cannot tell that the quote in the middle is meant to be part of the string so treats it as the end, and you get the error. you need to escape the quotes in the middle, e.g.
echo 'I can\'t remember this.';
notice the \ before the ' in can't.