Blog (including comment) Invalid Post ID

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Blog (including comment) Invalid Post ID

Post by riskymilk »

I tried reading up on all previous posts about this and none of them have worked for me. I'm not sure if I'm correct on this but I need to be able to get to http://localhost/blog/blog_read.php?pid=1 when i run blog_read.php but i'm not. Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks.



if (isset($_GET['pid'], $_POST['user'], $_POST['body'])){
if(add_comment($_GET['pid'], $_POST['user'], $_POST['body'])){
header("Location: blog_read.php?pid={$_GET['pid']}");
header('Location: blog_list.php');


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<h3>The Game blog</h3>
<p> Come share us all your top secrets to help pwn noobs on the battlefield. Show us your sick montage clips! </p>
<div id="content">

if (isset($_GET['pid']) === false || valid_pid($_GET['pid']) === false){
echo mysql_error();
echo 'Invalid Post ID';
$post = get_post($_GET['pid']);

<h2><?php echo $post['title']; ?></h2>
<h4>By <?php echo $post['user']; ?> on <?php echo $post['date']; ?> (<?php echo count($post['comments']); ?> comments)</h4>

<hr />

<p><?php echo $post['body'];?></p>

<hr />


foreach ($post['comments'] as $comment){
<h4>By <?php echo $comment['user'];?> on <?php echo $comment['date']; ?></h4>
<p><?php echo $comment['body']; ?></p>
<hr />


<form action="" method="post">
<label for="user">Name</label>
<input type="text" name="user" id="user" />
<textarea name="body" rows="20" cols="60"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Add Comment" />
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<form method="post" action="checklogin.php">
Username:<input type="text" name="username" /><br />
Password: <input type="password" name="password" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Login" />


<h3>The Game blog</h3>
<p> Come share us all your top secrets to help pwn noobs on the battlefield. Show us your sick montage clips! </p>
<div id="content">

$posts = get_posts();

foreach ($posts as $post){
<h2><a href="blog_read.php?pid=<?php echo $post['id']; ?>"<?php echo $post['title']; ?></a></h2>
<h4>By <?php echo $post['user']; ?> on <?php echo $post['date']; ?></h4>
<h4>(<?php echo $post['total_comments']; ?> comments, last comment <?php echo $post['last_comment']; ?>)</h4>

<hr />

<p><?php echo $post['preview']; ?></p>


<br class="clearfix" />
<br class="clearfix" />
<div id="footer">
<p><a href="gameproducts.html">Game Products</a> | <a href="events.html">Events</a> | <a href="videos.html">Videos</a> | <a href="gameforum.html">Game Forums</a> | <a href="affiliates.html">Affiliates</a></p>

function valid_pid($pid){
$pid = (int)$pid;

$total = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(`post_id`) FROM `posts` WHERE `post_id` = {$pid}");
$total = mysql_result($total, 0);

if ($total != 1){
return false;
return true;

function get_posts(){
$sql = "SELECT
`posts`.`post_id` AS `id`,
`posts`.`post_title` AS `title`,
LEFT(`posts`.`post_body`, 512) AS `preview`,
`posts`.`post_user` AS `user`,
DATE_FORMAT(`posts`.`post_date`, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') AS `date`,
DATE_FORMAT(`comments`.`last_comment`, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') AS `last_comment`
FROM `posts`
COUNT(`comment_id`) AS `total_comments`,
MAX(`comment_date`) AS `last_comment`
FROM `comments`
GROUP BY `post_id`
) AS `comments`
ON `posts`.`post_id` = `comments`.`post_id`
ORDER BY `posts`.`post_date` DESC";

$posts = mysql_query($sql);

$rows = array();
while(($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($posts)) !== false){
$rows[] = array(
'id' => $row['id'],
'title' => $row['title'],
'preview' => $row['preview'],
'user' => $row['user'],
'date' => $row['date'],
'total_comments' =>($row['total_comments'] === null) ? 0 : $row['total_comments'],
'last_comment' =>($row['last_comment'] ===null) ? 'never' : $row['last_comment']


return $rows;

function get_post($pid){
$pid = (int)$pid;

$sql = "SELECT
`post_title` AS `title`,
`post_body` AS `body`,
`post_user` AS `user`,
`post_date` AS `date`
FROM `posts`
WHERE `post_id` = {$pid}";

$post = mysql_query($sql);
$post = mysql_fetch_assoc($post);

$post['comments'] = get_comments($pid);

return $post;


function add_post($name, $title, $body){
$name = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($name));
$title = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($title));
$body = mysql_real_escape_string(nl2br(htmlentities($body)));

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `posts` (`post_user`, `post_title`, `post_body`, `post_date`) VALUES ('{$name}', '{$title}', '{$body}', NOW())");

function get_comments($pid){
$pid = (int)$pid;

$sql = "SELECT
`comment_body` AS `body`,
`comment_user` AS `user`,
DATE_FORMAT(`comment_date`, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') AS `date`
FROM `comments`
WHERE `post_id` = {$pid}";

$comments = mysql_query($sql);

$return = array();

while (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($comments)) !== false){
$return[] = $row;

return $return;

function add_comment($pid, $user, $body){
if (valid_pid($pid) === false){
return false;

$pid = (int)$pud;
$user = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($user));
$body = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($body));

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `comments` (`post_id`, `comment_user`, `comment_body`, `comment_date`) VALUES ({$pid}, '{$user}', '{$body}', NOW())");

return true;

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Re: Blog (including comment) Invalid Post ID

Post by Temor »

I'm not sure I understand your question. What do you mean by not being able to go to that url? Does it redirect you somewhere else or is it just a blank page?
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Re: Blog (including comment) Invalid Post ID

Post by riskymilk »

The main problem is I get an invalid Post ID when I run blog_read.php
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Re: Blog (including comment) Invalid Post ID

Post by Temor »

Well, the most obvious place to start would be to check if the post ID is valid. Do you have a post with the ID of 1 in the database?
And are you sure that your table names and whatnot are spelled correctly?
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