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Random stuff at login?

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:13 am
by offluffy
Everytime I login to certain servers, it prints out some crazy stuff automatically. Something like this: u00a74u00a75u00a73u00a74v|1

It has come to my attention that this doesn't happen on server that my plugin isn't installed, but it also doesn't happen if I don't have WorldEditCUI installed. Also, MacroMod, but I usually install that before WECUI, so I don't know if it's causing the problem. Hoping at least you've seen this before and know about how to track down the cause XD I'm completely lost.

Re: Random stuff at login?

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:42 pm
by jacek
Do you have Zombe's mod ? I think this is the super-secret-code that it sends to the server to tell the admin that you have it installed.

I see it in my chat log all the time.

Re: Random stuff at login?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:43 pm
by offluffy
lmfao, used to have it installed. What I have deduced is that it is part of the /we cui handshake to initialize that mod. When I go through my chat history, it says it automatically does "/we cui", then does that crap. So, for some reason, my plugin is capturing that and printing it out. Do not know why. Definitely not Zombe's mod this time.