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A few tutorials for thought

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 11:42 am
by pasqo83
I thought seeing as I am quite new to php although I am understanding how it all works together, alot of the stuff on here are realistically for intermediate/advanced people within the php world - although your explanation makes it very very easy to use and follow.

My suggestion:

You can do a beginners guide to php, if statements, echo, else if statements, strings, array etc... when they are good to use and when they are not and other basic variables.

Also full php contact form validation with multiple photo or document upload is a good idea.

I remember I was searching for it once and I managed to find one but the explanation was so naff, I decided to leave it alone.
I don't like putting things together if Im not understanding it so that could be a good idea.

Also for the daring, a full CMS for websites - again I have seen some websites with tutorials and there explanation isnt that great.

Re: A few tutorials for thought

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 11:46 am
by jacek
pasqo83 wrote:You can do a beginners guide to php
I actually recorded a "getting started" video for the basics playlist, but it was so terrible and patronising I gave up :lol:
pasqo83 wrote:a full CMS for websites
I am looking for a project, to try and show how all of the things can fit together and a CMS would certainly involve a lot of things.

Re: A few tutorials for thought

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 11:51 am
by pasqo83
jacek wrote: I actually recorded a "getting started" video for the basics playlist, but it was so terrible and patronising I gave up :lol:
hahaha, you should of put it up under a different name on youtube and got rid of any trademarks you may have on your videos.. lol..

What about the full php contact form validation with multiple photo or document upload? I think that could be a useful one, although I don't have no plans on using one on my site... well i don't have a site, i just make a website for practice. lol

Re: A few tutorials for thought

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:09 pm
by jacek
pasqo83 wrote:What about the full php contact form validation with multiple photo or document upload?
What do yo mean exactly, I cover form validation in pretty much every video and I have one on multiple file uploads.

Re: A few tutorials for thought

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:16 pm
by pasqo83
jacek wrote:What do yo mean exactly, I cover form validation in pretty much every video and I have one on multiple file uploads.
Ah ok, there are different ways of validating a contact form, the only one which I have ever used and it was the simplest way of using it is linked to an external php file <form action="validate.php" method="post"> and that already has the customization to send to the advisor

I haven't got that far on your multiple uploads videos so sorry jacek :roll: im not going to say nothing now until I have gone through everything *duct tapes mouth* :)

Re: A few tutorials for thought

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:20 pm
by jacek
Well I do see the use of a video on form processing, so I will add that to the list :D

Re: A few tutorials for thought

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 1:29 pm
by pasqo83
jacek wrote:Well I do see the use of a video on form processing, so I will add that to the list :D
Woo hooo :D I have one post to give later and see if anyone can assist, it is the php which I coded, it is really basic but works so I am happy but needs slight edits and not sure how I can do it. I think people will understand when they see it but I think the coding will be really good for everyone else as well (not a fully tech as your validation).

I just thought about something, im at work and cannot view youtube so can't watch your videos sadly. :cry:

I just thought of another video, tutorial for membership site, the register and login video which is already there, the payment side, once paid goes back to say "you have sucessfully paid" and then the expiry of the membership which will automatically take them out of member status.

Is that all fully or can be fully done by php and mySql - thinking about it im thinking yes.

Also I know Ajax does this but not sure if php does. But some websites have when they click on a link, not the whole page refreshes, just the content. Is that possible in php as well? perhaps a video tutorial..

Sorry, im coming up with 101 ideas now. lol

Re: A few tutorials for thought

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:07 pm
by jacek
pasqo83 wrote:I just thought of another video, tutorial for membership site, the register and login video which is already there, the payment side, once paid goes back to say "you have sucessfully paid" and then the expiry of the membership which will automatically take them out of member status.
I was going to do something with the paypal API at some point, and that sounds like a sensible thing to do.
pasqo83 wrote:Also I know Ajax does this but not sure if php does. But some websites have when they click on a link, not the whole page refreshes, just the content. Is that possible in php as well? perhaps a video tutorial..
PHP is a server side language, it cannot do anything to the page ones it has been sent to the browser. AJAX is a JavaScript method, and for now at least I won't be doing anything other than PHP.