Hello All--Comp Sci student from California
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:57 pm
Hi everyone! 
My name is Emily (most people call me "Em" for short). I am a Computer Science student and I go to UC Berkeley in California focusing on HCI and web development. I'm very excited to be here. I've been looking at these forums for quite some time and when faced with some PHP issues I finally thought: "hmmm, I should make an account". But I am actually just thrilled to be a part of a online community of like-minded individuals
Anyway, I am eager to learn and contribute the best way I can. And I also hope to make some groovy friends here in doing so (yeah, yeah I know, who says "groovy" anymore? Apparently I do).

My name is Emily (most people call me "Em" for short). I am a Computer Science student and I go to UC Berkeley in California focusing on HCI and web development. I'm very excited to be here. I've been looking at these forums for quite some time and when faced with some PHP issues I finally thought: "hmmm, I should make an account". But I am actually just thrilled to be a part of a online community of like-minded individuals

Anyway, I am eager to learn and contribute the best way I can. And I also hope to make some groovy friends here in doing so (yeah, yeah I know, who says "groovy" anymore? Apparently I do).