Multi File upload form with thumbnail maker not working

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Multi File upload form with thumbnail maker not working

Post by kgdd »

Here is my code, it is not getting past file verification:

[syntax=php]if ((($_FILES['multifile']['type'][$key] == "image/png") ||
($_FILES['multifile']['type'][$key] == "image/jpeg") ||
($_FILES['multifile']['type'][$key] == "image/pjpeg")) &&
($_FILES['multifile']['size'][$key] < 2097152))

if(count($_FILES['multifile']['name']) > 0)
foreach ($_FILES['multifile']['name'] as $key => $filename)

$filename = time().'_'.$_FILES['multifile']['name'];
$source = $_FILES['multifile']['tmp_name'];
$target = '/uploads/'.$filename;

if(move_uploaded_file ($_FILES['multifile']['tmp_name'][$key],$target))

// database insert here

echo '<div class="success" style="margin-right:25px;">Images added, view individual album to edit image descriptions</div>';

echo '<div class="error">Invalid file, only jpg, jpeg, or png file types allowed</div>';

the input type is file and the name is multifile[]. Any help would be great, thanks!
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Re: Multi File upload form with thumbnail maker not working

Post by jacek »

Well you might want to have a bit of a re-think since $_FILES['multifile']['type'] can very easily be faked by somone looking to upload a php script.

Other than that, what do you mean by the file validatoion ? do you always get the "invalid file" message ?
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