i am working with a forgot password script but i can't get the random password include in the mail and in the database.
I know the random password generator is working alright but it is somehow not reaching the places i have in mind.
<?php include('core/init.inc.php'); random_string(10); $submit = $_POST['submit']; //form data $email = $_POST['email']; $username = $_POST['username']; if ($submit) { $create = mysql_query("UPDATE user_system SET user_password='$password' WHERE user_name='$username'"); $emailquery = mysql_query("SELECT user_email FROM user_system WHERE user_email='$email'"); $emailcheck = mysql_num_rows($emailquery); $user = mysql_query("SELECT user_name FROM user_system WHERE user_name='$username'"); $usercheck = mysql_num_rows($user); if (($usercheck && $emailcheck) != 0) { //send activation email $to = "$email"; $subject = "Uw nieuwe wachtwoord!"; $headers = "From: test"; $body = <<<EMAIL Hallo $username, u heeft een ander wachtwoord aangevraagd. Klik op onderstaande link om je wachtwoord te veranderen. <a href='http://robcnossen.nl/login/login.php?us ... sword'></a> Uw nieuwe automatisch gegenereerde wachtwoord = $password EMAIL; //function to send mail mail($to, $subject, $headers, $body); die("Uw automatisch gegenereerde wachtwoord is verzonden. Check uw email voor uw nieuwe wachtwoord!"); } else echo "Email en/of uw gebruikersnaam is niet gevonden in de database!"; } ?> <div id="content"> <div id="content_txt"> <form action='vergeten_paswoord.php' method='POST'> <h1>Wachtwoord vergeten?</h1><br> Gebruikersnaam:<input type="text" name="username" size=25 maxlength=25 /></p> Email: <input type="text" name="email" size=25 maxlength=25 /></p> <input type="submit" name="submit" VALUE="Send" class="button" /></p> </form> </div> </div>user.inc.php
<?php //bestaat de gebruikersnaam in de database function user_exists($user){ $user = mysql_real_escape_string($user); $total = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(`user_id`) FROM `user_system` WHERE `user_name` = '{$user}'"); return (mysql_result($total, 0) == '1') ? true : false; } //is de gebruikersnaam en paswoord combinatie correct function valid_credentials($user, $pass){ $user = mysql_real_escape_string($user); $pass = mysql_real_escape_string($pass); $total = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(`user_id`) FROM `user_system` WHERE `user_name` = '{$user}' AND `user_password` = '{$pass}'"); return (mysql_result($total, 0) == '1') ? true : false; } function is_active($user){ $user = mysql_real_escape_string($user); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(`user_activations`.`user_id`) FROM `user_system` INNER JOIN `user_activations` ON `user_system`.`user_id` = `user_activations`.`user_id` WHERE `user_system`.`user_name` = '{$user}'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); return (mysql_result($result, 0) == '0') ? true : false; } function activate_account($aid){ $aid = mysql_real_escape_string($aid); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `user_activations` WHERE `activation_code` = '{$aid}'"); echo mysql_error(); } //forgot password function random_string($length){ $charset = array_merge(range('a', 'z'), range('A', 'Z'), range(0, 9)); shuffle($charset); $password = array_slice($charset, 0, $length); return implode('', $password); } //voegt een gebruiker toe aan de database function add_user($user, $email, $pass){ $user = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($user)); $email = mysql_real_escape_string($email); $pass = sha1($pass); $charset = array_flip(array_merge(range('a', 'z'), range('A', 'Z'), range(0, 9))); $aid = implode('', array_rand($charset, 10)); $body = <<<EMAIL Hallo, dank voor het registreren, voordat je gaat inloggen is het nodig dat je je account gaat activeren. omdat de doen kan je gewoon op deze link klikken, http://www.robcnossen.nl/login/activated.php?aid={$aid} EMAIL; mail($email, 'je nieuwe account in robbcnossen.nl', $body, 'From: test@test.nl'); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `user_system` (`user_name`, `user_password`, `user_email`) VALUES ('{$user}', '{$pass}', '{$email}')"); $user_id = mysql_insert_id(); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `user_activations` (`user_id`, `activation_code`) VALUES ('{$user_id}', '{$aid}')"); } ?>Hopefully someone can help me.
P.s. I tried to highlight the position in the user.inc.php where the forgotten password script is, but it didn't work. I posted the whole script because maybe the forgot password script is standing on the wrong position if that is possible? I hope that you can find the forgot password part