I broke ubuntu

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I broke ubuntu

Post by EcazS »


I broke it! I don't have the left file explorer thingy and I don't know how to get it back :(
Google is no help at all >:(

Also, I can't view my files in the www folder. I installed apache, php, mysql and phpmyadmin but I don't have permissions to view them so when I go in the browser it just gives me the "Forbidden" message. Is there an easy way to get permissions there so I can create files and folders how I want instead of going in the terminal and "chmodding" and doing other linux stuff?

*ubuntu confuses me with its many permissions*
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Re: I broke ubuntu

Post by jacek »

EcazS wrote:Is there an easy way to get permissions there so I can create files and folders how I want instead of going in the terminal and "chmodding" and doing other linux stuff?
Yes, but you wont have permission to change the permissions unless you do it as root, which you need to do from the terminal
sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /home/www
1000 is your userid and the other 1000 is your groupid (they will both be 1000 by default)

You then want to make apache run as you instead of the user that you can't access the folders for. So edit /etc/apache2/envvars and change the user and group both to your username. Then restart apache to reload the config file
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
All fixed.

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Re: I broke ubuntu

Post by EcazS »

I fixed the var/www root issue by making a new folder in my home folder and changing the root directory of apache but I don't like that solution since it creates an excess amount of folders in my home folder. OCD at its best.

Will do the permission thing on var/www when I reboot into Ubuntu.

AND THANK YOU FOR THAT!!! I was going crazy without the file explorer/browser/thingy, OCD again...
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Re: I broke ubuntu

Post by jacek »

You could make a folder in your home folder, bit simpler ;) that actually makes more sense since it's your web stuff.
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