Thoughts on Windows 8?

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Thoughts on Windows 8?

Post by offluffy »

I just installed the Windows 8 Consumer Preview today. I have to admit, I'm not impressed at all. In fact, I'm quite aggravated at just about everything. It seems like Windows decided to completely ditch the ideas that desktops might possibly want to use this T.T I can't figure out how to close programs without using Alt + F4 either. I don't like how searching for terms in the start menu causes more menus to pop up (I liked being able to type "Device Manager" and hitting enter, now you type it, click on the settings menu, then you can click Device Manager). I don't know much about it, but I'm not really interested in trying it anymore. It seems they've also gotten rid of the good 'ole games and linked it to xBox live, which is completely lame. I want the old games back XD Anyways, what does everyone else think? If they've tried it.
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Re: Thoughts on Windows 8?

Post by bowersbros »

I must say that I wasn't very impressed with the developers preview, but I had it quite a few months ago.

Ill get the consumer preview soon to try it out.
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Re: Thoughts on Windows 8?

Post by EcazS »

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Re: Thoughts on Windows 8?

Post by offluffy »

I see it's a rather unified consensus so far XD This is quite likely my least favorite OS. I think I'd rather use Windows 98 at this point. I'm hoping at least that they release a desktop version. Throwing out Desktop in favor of tablets seems like a bad idea to me since other companies already have a better foothold in the mobile OS market. Throwing out their hold in the Laptop/Desktop market just seems like a really stupid move to me T.T I like desktops better than anything still. And until they get a good grasp on photon CPUs and higher-speed architectures, I'll probably stick with desktops.
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Re: Thoughts on Windows 8?

Post by EcazS »

Tablets and phones are never going to replace desktop PCs/computers. I can't stand people who say so. There are a gazillion things you can't do on a tablet that you can do on a PC without lose it's core functionality -mobility-. And the fact that Windows 8 so far is an OS made for touchscreens is just ridiculous.
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