for some reason, it outputs "Hello 1". I understand why 1--it's my user id. I don't understand why it's not outputting "Jonathan" or "James" (I don't know what name I used). Here's my code:
<?php If (isset($_SESSION['uid'])){ include("includes/"); $mysql = new mysql("mysql**", "******", "*****^", "*******"); $q = $mysql->query("SELECT `name` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = {$_SESSION['uid']}"); $name = $mysql->fetch_cell($q); ?> <p style="float:center">Hello <?php echo $name; ?></p>My table `users` has 5 columns: name, username, password, email, and user_id (not in order) Witt the usual settings (unique email/username, A_I/primary id, etc.) can someone explain what's wrong?
And yes, it is connecting correctly.