BB code

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BB code

Post by white04004 »

Hi guys!

I am facing another problem again. I am developing my custom blog system, and I want to add [url][/url] and convert it into <a href=""></a>. How can I do that? I had tried substr(); but it doesn't work to url. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
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Re: BB code

Post by Temor »

white04004 wrote:Hi guys!

I am facing another problem again. I am developing my custom blog system, and I want to add and convert it into <a href=""></a>. How can I do that? I had tried substr(); but it doesn't work to url. Please help me. Thanks in advance.

What you want is BBcode. Pretty similar or identical to the one this forum uses, am I right?

Google BBCode and there are tonnes of free scripts and tutorials on how to implement them.
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Re: BB code

Post by bowersbros »

I think, since he is working on his own custom software, that he is doing it for practice. Therefore he would want to make it himself.

try something like this:

$string = "";
$match = preg_match("/^([url]|[url=])((https?|ftp|gopher|telnet|file|notes|ms-help):((//)|(\\\\))+[\w\d:#@%/;$()~_?\+-=\\\.&]*)[/url]/^","<a href='".$1."'>{$1}</a>",$string);
echo $match;

Try something like that, untested though.
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Re: BB code

Post by EcazS » ... ge__st__20
There are a lot of BB Parser code snippets that you can try out yourself.
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Re: BB code

Post by Chathu94 »

For any url :
$str = "your url here";

$str = preg_replace("\[[uU][rR][lL]\](.*?)\[/[uU][rR][lL]\]", "<a Href='$1'>$1</a>" ,$str);[/syntax]
Last edited by jacek on Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BB code

Post by jacek »

You can use the i modifier to make the expression case-insensitive

[syntax=php]$str = preg_replace("#\[url\](.*?)\[/url]#i", "<a href='$1'>$1</a>" ,$str);[/syntax]
bit neater :)
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Re: BB code

Post by white04004 »

Thanks for your information. It works perfectly for me. Thanks a lot.
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