but now i want to choose between 2 different vid_player1.php(rawflvplayer) and vid_player2.php(youtube-embed-code).
so far so good, look at the attached pic:
my problem is now with the blog_list.php. i dont know how to make the right if-condtion, so if checked one or the other player and it includes me the vid_player1or2.php.
here is the code of blog_list.php:
<!-- Video Player HERE --> <?php if(empty($post['video'])){ } else{ if(isset($post['videoplayer'])){ $videoplayer = $post['videoplayer']; echo "Player selected: ", $videoplayer; if($videoplayer = 'flvraw'){ include_once(vid_player.php); } else{ //include_once(vid_player2.php); } } else{ } } ?> <!-- Video Player END -->Edit: oh, and if you wonder why i need the "flvraw" or "youtube"-text, thats why:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/<?php echo $post['video']; ?>" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>