Hello, I'm wondering how UNIX_TIMESTAMP works in MySQL. I tried reading about it, but all that expert-mumbo-jumbo made absolutely no sense to me. Can anybody please explain a bit about it?
Also, I'm trying to make a " Users Online " function and I'm wondering what is the best way to insert and extract the date and time from a table?
Temor wrote:Also, I'm trying to make a " Users Online " function and I'm wondering what is the best way to insert and extract the date and time from a table?
Inserting a timestamp would probably be easiest as you can do the maths with a single number much easier than if you stored a MySQL date format value.
What is the most reliable way to insert a timestamp?
I really suck at MySQL, so I'm not really sure about anything when it comes to inserting time and dates in a table
I've hit a snag... I got it to insert it properly. But it keeps repeating itself over and over every time I call the function. ON DUPLICATE KEY ENTRY gives me an error.