2. You have to try each method, if it fails move on to the next method and so on. For example you could try
$entries = $xpath->query('//img');And then check it using,
$total = count($entries);To see how many results you got.
$entries = $xpath->query('//img');And then check it using,
$total = count($entries);To see how many results you got.
<img src="something" width="100" height="100" />for 100x100 pixels.
but somthin is ? which value? which url? that's what interests me?jacek wrote:You can set the dimensions of the image just by setting the width and height in the tag like this
<img src="something" width="100" height="100" />for 100x100 pixels.
i know, but how to get url?jacek wrote:Something would be the url of the image you want to display.
echo "$naslov, $opis, $sadrzaj, $izvor,, $url, $datum1, $datum2, <img src='$urlslike'/> </br></br>";
Trust me, this is not problem form me. I know this and andrsthend...jacek wrote:Is the URL not the same as the one you use in the img tag here
echo "$naslov, $opis, $sadrzaj, $izvor,, $url, $datum1, $datum2, <img src='$urlslike'/> </br></br>";
ok.<img src="http://www.vesti-online.com/data/images ... br/>Upravo zavrÅ¡ena klupska sezona obeležena je potpunom dominacijom Partizana, s obzirom da su sekcije naÅ¡eg najbrojnijeg sportskog druÅ¡tva osvojile Äak 11 pehara u pet najpopularnijih kolektivnih sportova.<br/><br/>
<div> <div><?php echo "$urlslike; ?></div> <div><?php echo "$text; ?></div> </div>I hope I'm far more understandable now. thanks
this is code how to i get image url form article $sadrzajAtletska zvezda sa Jamajke želi da igra na Old Trafordu. Usain Bolt smatra da je dovoljno dobar da bude deo tima Aleksa Fergusona. Misli da bi trebalo da “dotera†tehniku, ali i da sada poseduje dovoljno kvaliteta da nosi dres “crvenih Ä‘avolaâ€.
<img src="http://www.rts.rs/thumbnail/bolt-t.jpg? ... 7717172000"
$test = preg_match_all('/\"(.*?)\"/', $sadrzaj, $matches); $slika2 = str_replace( '"','',$matches[0][0]); echo $slika2;How to get text ?
404 not foundhostingebc wrote: you can see finall resolt.