1. Image in rss reader.
I manage to read the image url, and to show it, but I have a problem when I read a variety of RSS feeds. the best you will see the problem on the link below
vait to open all rss source to the end, and then look at the latest to look at the end. in the latest rss reading I have all the same images an the end of rss item. I tried to solve this problem with $urlslike=""; (fortranslation $urlslike is $image... ) but with no success
2. speed of the code execution of
As you have seen, is slow is executed.
Note: This page was only for administrators, and not for visitors.
hiar is the code
Code: <?php header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $konekcija = mysql_connect("nesto", "nesto", "nesto") or die ("Parametri za povezivanje sa bazom nisu dobri, ili baza ne postoji!"); $baza = mysql_select_db("nesto", $konekcija) or die ("Na zalost, server nije u mogucnosti da pronadje bazu podataka!"); $sajtovi = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM rss_sajtovi") or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $sajtovi )) { $id_sajta = $row['ID_SAJTA']; $naziv = $row['NAZIV']; $url = $row['URL']; $rss = $row['RSS']; $kategorija = $row['kategorija']; echo "<h1>$id_sajta / $naziv / $url/ $rss / $kategorija </h1><hr></br>"; $rss = new SimpleXMLElement($rss, null, true); foreach($rss->xpath('channel/item') as $item) { $dom = new DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTMLFile($item->link); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $entries = $xpath->query('//div[@class="img"]//img'); foreach($entries as $e) $image = "<img src='".$e->getAttribute("src")."'alt='' width='150'/>"; $naslov = $item->title; $opis = $item->description; $sadrzaj = $item->content; $izvor = "<a href='{$item->link}'>{$rss->channel->title}</a>"; $url = $item->link; $datum1 = $item->pubDate; $datum2 = $item->pubdate; $urlslike = $e->getAttribute("src"); echo "$naslov, $opis, $sadrzaj, $izvor,, $url, $datum1, $datum2, <img src='$urlslike'/> </br></br>"; $urlslike = ""; // this code is turn of for writing in database //$sql="INSERT INTO rss_vesti VALUES('','$id_sajta','$naslov','$urlslike','$opis','$url','$datum2')"; //mysql_query($sql,$konekcija); } } ?>