EDIT August 24, 2016: So cringe remembering this lol. Well I mean. There were so many bugs in this script. Just re-uploaded a patch for the errors from using my old domain. Viewing this inspired me to update it again. Here's a current, also incomplete list of changes for Version 1.3 along with a preview:
**NOTE**: This is a download because of all the files. If you wish to request a virus scan please PM ScTech on here as this is my old, unmonitored account.
I finally finished the JQuery Chat, so I would like to allow you all to use it. I know it's not the best out there, and could use improvement, but here's a brief list of features:
Users can chat whether JavaScript is enabled or not Removed in 1.3
Ban, kick, and delete
A few spam prevention features
Some BBCode (bold, underline, italic, hyperlink, emoticons, help)
Admin Panel
User Panel
Again this list is very brief, there are a lot more features. I'll try to keep it updated with each version release.
I forgot to put credit for your version compare, and there were a few small issues. Typos, noscript stuff, an emote bug, etc. Anyways, I put the updated one up for whomever downloaded that. I'm going to make it OOP at some point but I'm just too busy to completely rework it at the moment.
Before I release the new version of this I would like to say that I'm trying to prevent as much spam as possible in this as possible. Right now the main spam issue would be registration. I could add an email field and make sure no one duplicates, but then people would just use fake emails. I'm not sure if I want to go this route, but would anyone mind being in a chat that required email verification? I have a few other options in mind but might restrict some users. Also as a side note, the new layout will be released in version 2.0.
It really depends on what the chat is used for and where. If it's used as a live comment feed for streams and whatnot I would not mind email verification, but if it's just the chat and nothing more, I'd just close the tab if I had to verify.
Captcha is the only solution, I guess.
I would think patternmatching is the way to go. I believe there are a few open-source patternmatching captchas around.
Thank you. I was afraid that this would be the case. I guess I will have to push back the release date. I want to get rid of login.php and register.php now anyways and make it purely all in chat.php. I don't normally like using 3rd party scripts in mine so I will attempt to make a custom captcha and test it with 3rd party spam bots. Blah so much work lol. Time to get to work.
Edit: Yes I will be pushing back the release date at least a couple weeks. While I'm doing that I might as well add a few more things.