Two Factor Authentication

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Two Factor Authentication

Post by wrichards8 »


Are you planning to do a two-factor authentication tutorial? This would, I think, be a really good thing. I suggest using SMS to send the user a 5 digit code and log-in with that.

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Re: Two Factor Authentication

Post by Helx »

SMS would be a little difficult.
I believe most of the services that send SMS (eg; Google + Dropbox's 2-step auth) cost large amounts of money to maintain.

I know that most carriers (in the US at least) have special emails that can be used to message phones, but this isn't the most practical, as the user would have to select their carrier.
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Re: Two Factor Authentication

Post by FrederickGeek8 »

You can send messages via email though (free) but then you have to specify a carrier

You can get a free phone number that you can use with PHP at Tropo. Its a great service but I think there is a cap (maybe 300 messages per 5 minutes)
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Re: Two Factor Authentication

Post by Helx »

FrederickGeek8 wrote:You can get a free phone number that you can use with PHP at Tropo. Its a great service but I think there is a cap (maybe 300 messages per 5 minutes)
Bookmarked the site, may come in useful :)
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Re: Two Factor Authentication

Post by Temor »

I heard through a friend of a project currently in development that allows for two-step authentication through Skype. It would be able to use both the chat function and the call function to send the code.

It sounds pretty cool if it actually works. I'll try to get a link or a name to the project.
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