Building an active forum

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Building an active forum

Post by Thunderbob »

I was wondering how I too can build an active forum. What are the steps needed to go about this properly?
I'm the only one posting in mines and it's a barren wasteland with month old posts. I did a giveaway once but that only
worked for a week and I don't want to buy inflation traffic.

I joined this forum from your YouTube tutorials. Is that the way to go?

Anything helps =)
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Re: Building an active forum

Post by Temor »

Well, for a forum to be active it needs members with a passion for whatever the forum is about. To find members you need to be either 1) already popular in those circuits or 2) have an idea about how to get popular.

What you need is an idea basically, or endurance. If you keep bringing quality content to your forum that is difficult / impossible to find elsewhere ( or just better than anywhere else ) then you will get an active forum pretty quickly.

Also, activity breeds activity. The more active you are, the more active the users will be.

When I managed my forum I had around 100 members posting daily.
I got that far mostly by dumb luck though. I posted news and things that I thought was interesting and figured that others would find interesting as well. It worked.
But only for a short period of time, until I lost interest. ( Scouring the web 6 hours a day for news is not profitable in the long run unless you have a massive audience. )
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