Here is the Error message I get on the blog_list.php page:
Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/weebcoma/public_html/blog/func/inc/ on line 45
I also already tried the echo mysql_error() function. Appreciate your help
//Check if the given post ID is in the table function valid_pid($pid){ $pid = (int)$pid; $total = mysql_query ("SELECT COUNT('post_id') FROM 'posts' WHERE 'post_id'= {$pid}"); $total = mysql_result ($total, 0); if ($total != 1) { return false; }else { return true; } } // fetches a summary of all the blog posts function get_posts() { $sql = "SELECT 'posts', 'post_id' AS 'id', 'posts', 'post_title' AS 'title', LEFT ('posts', 'post_body', 512) AS 'preview', 'posts','post_user', AS 'user', DATE_FORMAT ('posts','post_date', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') AS 'date', 'comments', 'total_comments', 'DATE_FORMAT' ('comments', 'last_comment' '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') AS 'last_comment' FROM 'posts' LEFT JOIN ( SELECT 'post_id' COUNT ('comment_id') AS 'total_comments', MAX ('comment_date') AS 'last_comment' FROM 'comments' GROUP BY 'post_id' ) AS 'comments' ON 'posts'.'post_id' = 'comments' . 'post_id' ORDER BY 'posts', 'post_date' DESC"; $posts = mysql_query($sql); echo mysql_error(); $rows =array (); while (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($posts)) !== false) { $rows[] = array ( 'id' => $row['id'], 'title' => $row ['title'], 'preview' => $row['preview'], 'user' => $row['user'], 'date' => $row['date'], 'total_comments' => ($row ['total_comments'] === null) ? 0 : $row['total_comments'], 'last_comment' => ($row ['last_comment'] === null)? 'Be the first one to comment on this post' : $row['last_comment'] ); } return $rows; } //fetches a single post from the table function get_post($pid) { $pid = (int) $pid; $sql = "SELECT 'post_title' AS 'title', 'post_body' AS 'body', 'post_user' AS 'user', 'post_date' AS 'date' FROM 'posts' WHERE 'post_id'= {$pid}"; $post = mysql_query ($sql); $post = mysql_fetch_assoc ($post); $post ['comments'] = get_comments ($pid); return $post; } //adds a new blog entry function add_post($name, $title, $body) { $name= mysql_real_escape_string (htmlentities($name)); $title= mysql_real_escape_string (htmlentities($title)); $body= mysql_real_escape_string (nl2br(htmlentities($body))); mysql_query ("INSERT INTO 'posts' ['post_user'],['post_title'], ['post_body'], ['post_date'] VALUES ('{$name}','{$title}','{$body}', NOW())"); }
// fetches all of the comments for a given blog post function get_comments($pid) { $pid= (int) $pid; $sql = "SELECT 'comment_body' AS 'body', 'comment_user' AS 'user', DATE_FORMAT ('comment_date', '%d/%m/%y %h:%i:%s') AS 'date' FROM 'comments' WHERE 'post_id' = {$pid}"; $comments= mysql_query ($sql); $return= array (); while (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($comments)) !== false) { $return[]= $row; } return $return; } //adds a comment function add_comment ($pid, $user, $body) { if (valid_pid ($pid) === false ) { return false; } $pid=(int)$pid; $user= mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($user)); $body= mysql_real_escape_string(nl2br(htmlentities($body))); mysql_query ("INSERT INTO 'comments' ('post_id','comment_user','comment_body','comment_date') VALUES ({$pid}, '{$user}','{$body}', NOW())"); return true; }
mysql_connect('localhost', ' ', ' ' ); mysql_select_db('blog'); include 'inc/'; include 'inc/';