List of users from MYSQL to page

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List of users from MYSQL to page

Post by SquirtLee »

Hello everyone,

im having problem with this piece of code. I want it to create list of users registered on my message-system. Order them by username. But im not really sure that im filling the table corectly (actually what it does is create infinite number of rows)



$_SESSION['last_page'] = 'search.php';


$message_header_title = 'Seznam uzivatelu';

$method = 'p';
$query_get_users = 'SELECT * FROM  `user` ORDER BY  `username` ASC LIMIT 0 , 30';
$result_get_users = mysql_query($query_get_users);
$user_count = mysql_num_rows($result_get_users);


<div class="content">

<?php require_once('inc/message-header.php'); ?>

    <div class="content-body"><?php
if ($user_count > 0) {
    ?><table class="table-grid1">
                        <th style="width:20%;">Jmeno</th>
                        <th style="width:20%;">Prijmeni</th>
                        <th style="width:20%;">Uzivatelske jmeno</th>


            while ($row_get_user = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_get_users)) {

        $query_get_users = 'SELECT * FROM  `user` ORDER BY  `username` ASC LIMIT 0 , 30 ';
        $result_get_users = mysql_query($query_get_users);
        $username_encrypted = encrypt($row_get_user['username']);
        $first_name = '';
        $last_name = '';
        $username = '';       
        ?><tr> </tr>
                            <td><?php echo $first_name; ?></td>
                            <td><?php echo $last_name; ?></td>
                            <td><?php echo $username; ?></td>

        <td><a href="vytvor.php?r=<?php echo encrypt($row_get_users['username']); ?>&m=<?php echo $username_encrypted; ?>" title="Napsat uzivateli zpravu">Napsat zpravu</a>
    }else {
        ?><p>Nepodarilo se zobrazit seznam uzivatelu</p><?php

            <?php require_once('inc/bot.php'); ?>

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Re: List of users from MYSQL to page

Post by Temor »

You should not be running a query inside the loop. First of all, you're not using the data it fetches, and there is no point in getting the data more than once :)

This should work:
$query_get_users = 'SELECT * FROM  `user` ORDER BY  `username` ASC LIMIT 0 , 30';
$result_get_users = mysql_query($query_get_users);
$user_count = mysql_num_rows($result_get_users);
and it should return 30 rows, but you're saying it returns an infinite amount of rows? Try adding
echo mysql_error();
on the page to see if it gives you an error.

As for this part:
<td><a href="vytvor.php?r=<?php echo encrypt($row_get_users['username']); ?>
you should use $row_get_user['username'], not userS. Or you could just use the $username_encrypted variable, as that will contain the same value.
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Re: List of users from MYSQL to page

Post by jacek »

Ideally you would create a function, something like fetch_users() that does the query and returns an array.

Then you can just do
foreach (fetch_users() as $user){
    // do things with $user.
It will be much easier to maintain.
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Re: List of users from MYSQL to page

Post by SquirtLee »

thank you, everthing works now ;)
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