User System Reset Password

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User System Reset Password

Post by tiaz1988 »


I've done this "user reset password"
It works fine untill I sholud log back in, then it says that is incorrect username or password.
I know that I enter the right, why can't I log back in what can be the problem?
It updating password in database and I get the mail and everything, but when I should user the generated random pass to log back in can't I login.

Please, can you help me to figure out the problem.

Take care!

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Re: User System Reset Password

Post by killfrog47 »

tiaz1988 wrote:Hi!

I've done this "user reset password"
It works fine untill I sholud log back in, then it says that is incorrect username or password.
I know that I enter the right, why can't I log back in what can be the problem?
It updating password in database and I get the mail and everything, but when I should user the generated random pass to log back in can't I login.

Please, can you help me to figure out the problem.

Take care!

So I havent tried out this script at all but it doesnt look like there is any hashing going on of the password before it gets inserted into the database. You could try just copy and pasting the password and email straight from the database just to absolutely be sure everything matches. If it doesnt let you log in still the issue might be in your actual login script not the reset password script. Hope this helps!
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